Storm and Stress


Central to Carson Lynn’s oeuvre is the exploration of queerness, not just as an identity but as a lens through which to challenge and reinterpret the world. This theme is evident in the way he employs digital media to question and disrupt normative narratives and binary understandings of identity, suggesting a fluidity and multiplicity that is intrinsic to the queer experience. This theme is manifest in Storm and Stress (2020).

In the summer of 2020, Lynn unveiled Storm and Stress, a distinctive project commissioned for Silicon Valet’s Lot Residency #07. This innovative exhibition, hosted on the digital platform's Instagram page over the course of August 1st and 2nd, marked a creative exploration into the digital and virtual realms. Lynn’s work, segmented into nine distinct parts, cleverly utilized the Instagram grid to present a cohesive yet multifaceted visual narrative. Each of the nine sections not only stood alone as a piece of art but also housed a unique short machinima clip, further enriching the viewer’s experience with dynamic, moving images that delved deep into the concept of queerness in digital spaces.

Central to Storm and Stress was the exploration of the concept of “queering as glitching” and “glitching as queering.” This innovative approach posits the act of glitching, often seen as errors or flaws within digital systems, as a form of queering, challenging normative structures and expectations within digital environments. Lynn’s project provocatively suggests that, much like the queer experience disrupts societal norms and expectations, glitches disrupt the smooth, expected functioning of digital systems. This parallel draws attention to…


Matteo Bittanti

Works cited

Carson Lynn, Storm and Stress, video, color, sound, 3’ 45”, 2020

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